Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Skeleton Coloring Q’s

Skeleton Coloring Q’s  -- on your own paper
1.Identify and briefly describe the two divisions of the skeletal system.
2.What are the functions of the skeletal system?
3.Identify and describe each of the 5 general types of bones.
4.What kind of tissue is bone and what does the tissue consist of?
5.What is the epiphysis and what occurs there?

6.Explain the functions of the periosteum, compact bone, spongy bone, and articular cartilage.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Anatomy Physiology: Tissues Online Lab

Click here to link to the Histology Web site!

Online Tissue Lab
Using the website above answer the questions below.

1.What are the four main types of tissue?
2.For each of the four types of tissue, Identify each subtype of tissue. (Yes, each one!)
A.Name each
B.What is its function?
C.Where is it found in the body
D.Draw a picture of the tissue

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Biology: Nutrition and Healthy Eating


 Nutrition and Healthy Eating -- Mayo Clinic


You can also locate nutritional information at one the following websites:

Fast Food? http://www.chowbaby.com/ (Click on Fast Food Calories)